
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Avatars & Animated gifs 

There are many websites out there that help you create animated gifs and avatars (say, for message boards and forums).

Two I like lately are Shrink Pictures and Picasion.

One of my NL photosWith Shrink Pictures, you can easily choose a jpeg from your hard drive and customize the size, pick which crop/version you want (choice of three), save it to your hard drive, and you're all set.

create myspace avatar
Similarly, with Picasion, you can choose several jpegs, even photos from a Flickr account (like I did using mine, just enter the username and), choose the photos you want, click 'create animation' and save it to your hard drive. Note: Picasion adds the text 'picasion.com' to your photos. And if you use their html code, it adds a link-back text code under the animation.

All fine with me because when I want to create something like this, I want to do it without the bells and whistles, and without pages other things to distract me from trying to do this one (or two) simple thing(s).

I have Firefox and the add-on Ad Block Plus, so I don't know if there are any ads to worry about. Hopefully not!

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