
Monday, July 26, 2004

Do Not Call (me!) List  

Hate telemarketers? Most of us do (what's to like?). And (thanks to the many complaints about them, and the media coverage), most people already know about the National Do Not Call Registry. But do you know your registration (which can be done online) expires after 5 years? Luckily, you can Verify A Registration providing you have a valid (short-term will do) e-mail address.

National registration is good, (great even), but not enough. Then you should check if your state has any Do Not Call List Laws in effect and register there as well. You can check that here. There are still ways around these laws, unfortunately (like those calls that pretend not to know your name, clever. not!), and some exceptions, so don't expect total peace and quiet. But registering has definitely made a difference for me. (gee, instead of 20+ calls a week, we get maybe 5. hmmm. thank goodness for answering machines.)

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