Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Just like when I find the perfect shirt (most comfortable, looks decent in several colors) and then find out it's been discontinued. Same is true for other such favorites, like short-lived TV shows and comic strips. (and too many other things)
Regarding comic strips, two that I've grown to like over time have either ended or will end. The Big Picture, and most recently, The Norm. Not good.
I can see why Lennie Peterson (TBP) would want to move on. His strip was often centered around his cat Ginger and I know how it feels to lose a pet. It's devastating. Years later I still cry when I think about my own (gone but very missed) cat. But the other? Going by the "fundraising" activities in place, I'm not so sure I understand the reasoning. I know, I don't have to. But it's frustrasting when you like something and it just ends. (doesn't matter if there's warning, gone is gone)
The hardest to get over losing was (the very best of all), Calvin and Hobbes. Still the most missed of the missing strips. At least they are still available (not out of print yet for the most part) and even years later (and yes, even by adults), easily re-readable.
Regarding comic strips, two that I've grown to like over time have either ended or will end. The Big Picture, and most recently, The Norm. Not good.
I can see why Lennie Peterson (TBP) would want to move on. His strip was often centered around his cat Ginger and I know how it feels to lose a pet. It's devastating. Years later I still cry when I think about my own (gone but very missed) cat. But the other? Going by the "fundraising" activities in place, I'm not so sure I understand the reasoning. I know, I don't have to. But it's frustrasting when you like something and it just ends. (doesn't matter if there's warning, gone is gone)
The hardest to get over losing was (the very best of all), Calvin and Hobbes. Still the most missed of the missing strips. At least they are still available (not out of print yet for the most part) and even years later (and yes, even by adults), easily re-readable.
i've got the complete collection of it.. and still havta refer back to calvin when it comes to the questions in life that i might have..
If you love Calvin try For better or for worse, it's a great strip. Yeah miss the kid and tiger but go online and there's an archive with all 10 years worth of strip to read:)
For Better or for Worse is a current fave. I just wonder how long it'll go on. Since the characters age...I wonder how far the artist will go. (and how sad when yet another favorite disappears, I hope that's a long time from now)
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